Concepts Overview 6


Create a BMI calculator that request:
  • Name (Must contain 3 or more characters)
  • Age (Must be of legal age)
  • Height (Must be in the range of 100 to 250 cm)
  • Weight (Must be in the range of 40 to 250 Kg)

  • An error message will be displayed for each validation not met.
    If all validations are passed, the rounded BMI will be displayed.
  • (Yellow color) - Underweight: less than 18.5
  • (Green color) - Normal: 18.5 - 24.9
  • (Orange color) - Overweight: 25.0 - 29.9
  • (Red color) - Obesity: More than 30.0
  • Repo

    BMI Calculator

    Main js lines/commands used:

            const DECIMAL = 2;
            const MIN_LENGHT_NAME = 3;
            const MIN_AGE = 18;
            const MIN_HEIGHT = 100;
            const MAX_HEIGHT = 250;
            const MIN_WEIGHT = 40;
            const MAX_WEIGHT = 250;
            // button
            function initCalculateBMI() {
              let isThereError = validation();
              if (!isThereError) {
                let height = document.querySelector("#height").value;
                let weight = document.querySelector("#weight").value;
                let bmi = imcCalculator(weight, height);
            // validation - conditions
            function validation() {
              let isThereError = true;
              let name = document.querySelector("#name").value;
              let age = document.querySelector("#age").value;
              let height = document.querySelector("#height").value;
              let weight = document.querySelector("#weight").value;
              if (!(name.trim().length > MIN_LENGHT_NAME)) {
                // error
                writeError("The name is too short");
              } else if (age < MIN_AGE) {
                writeError("Must be a legal age");
              } else if (height < MIN_HEIGHT || height > MAX_HEIGHT) {
                writeError("Must be in the range of 100 to 250 cm");
              } else if (weight < MIN_WEIGHT || weight > MAX_WEIGHT) {
                writeError("Must be in the range of 40 to 250 kg");
              } else {
                // no error
                isThereError = false;
              return isThereError;
            // write the result in the HTML
            function writeBMI(message) {
              const resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
              let bmiResult = "";
              let className = "";
              if (message < 18.5) {
                bmiResult = `${message} (Underweight)`;
                className = "yellow";
              } else if (message >= 18.5 && message < 24.9) {
                bmiResult = `${message} (Normal)`;
                className = "green";
              } else if (message >= 25.0 && message < 29.9) {
                bmiResult = `${message} (Overweight)`;
                className = "orange";
              } else {
                bmiResult = `${message} (Obesity)`;
                className = "red";
              resultElement.textContent = bmiResult;
              resultElement.classList.remove("yellow", "green", "orange", "red");
            // function that writes
            // document.querySelector('#error').textContent
            function writeError(message) {
              document.querySelector("#error").textContent = message;

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